Results for 'Ina N. Cholst'

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  1.  43
    “I want us to be a normal family”: Toward an understanding of the functions of anonymity among U.S. oocyte donors and recipients.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, Lisa R. Rubin & Ina N. Cholst - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (4):235-251.
    Abstract BACKGROUND: Anonymity remains the more common practice in gamete donations, but legislation prohibiting anonymity with a goal of protecting donor-conceived children's right to know their genetic origins is becoming more common. However, given the dearth of research investigating the function of anonymity for donors and recipients, it is unclear whether these policies will accomplish their goals. The aim of this study was to explore experiences with anonymity among oocyte donors and recipients who participated in an anonymous donor oocyte program (...)
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  2. Kr̥ṣṇamādhavacintāmaṇiḥ: janmaśatavārṣikīsmr̥tigranthaḥ.Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jhā, Govinda Jhā & Śaśinātha Jhā (eds.) - 1999 - Madhubanī, Bihāra: Paṇḍita Kr̥ṣṇamādhavajhā Janmaśatavārṣikī Samārohasamiti.
    Contributed articles on Indic philosophy, Vedic grammer, and classical Sanskrit literature; includes some on the life of Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jha, Sanskrit scholar.
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  3. (1 other version)Āzādī-i fard va qudrat-i dawlat: baḥs̲ dar ʻaqāyid-i siyāsī va ijtimāʻī-i Hābz, Lāk, Istūārt Mīl: bā tarjumah-ʼi guzīdahʹī az nivishtahʹhā-yi ānān.Saxe Commins, Robert N. Linscott, Maḥmūd Ṣināʻī & John Stuart Mill (eds.) - 1959 - Tihrān: Bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Firānkilīn.
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    An Agent‐First Preference in a Patient‐First Language During Sentence Comprehension.Sebastian Sauppe, Åshild Næss, Giovanni Roversi, Martin Meyer, Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Balthasar Bickel - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (9):e13340.
    The language comprehension system preferentially assumes that agents come first during incremental processing. While this might reflect a biologically fixed bias, shared with other domains and other species, the evidence is limited to languages that place agents first, and so the bias could also be learned from usage frequency. Here, we probe the bias with electroencephalography (EEG) in Äiwoo, a language that by default places patients first, but where sentence-initial nouns are still locally ambiguous between patient or agent roles. Comprehenders (...)
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    al-Islām wa-al-ʻalmānīyah fī al-mīzān: ishkālīyat al-ikhtilāf wa-naqduhu.Hann-A. M.-ina - 2013 - [al-Qāhirah]: Aḥmad Nūr al-Dīn ʻĪd.
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  6. K̲h̲udā, kāʼinātu ain māṇhu: zindāgīan jī abadī haqīqatan kī narvār kanduṛ caund maz̤mūna.Vaḥīduddīn K̲h̲ān̲ - 2000 - Sakkar: Milanu jā handa, ʻAzīz Būk Isṭor. Edited by Amānu Shaik̲h̲u.
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  7. Risalah al-Sanjariyyah fī al-kāʼināt al-ʻunsuriyyah / taʼlīf Zayn al-ʻĀbidīn ʻUmar ibn Sahlan Sāwujī ; Risālah-ʼi āsār-i ʻulvī.taʼlīf-I. Sharaf al-Dīn Muḥammad Masʻūd Marvazī - 1958 - In ʻUmar Ibn Sahlān al-Sāwī (ed.), Dū risālah darʹbārah-ʼi ās̲ār-i ʻulvī. Tihrān: Farhang-i Īrānʹzamīn.
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    Jaleh Mansoor. Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2016. 288 pp. [REVIEW]Ina Blom - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 44 (2):387-389.
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    Qurʼān kā falsafah-yi kāʼināt aur uskī abadī saccāʼiyān̲.Muḥammad Shahābuddīn Nadvī - 2003 - Banglūr: Furqāniyah Akaiḍmī Ṭrasṭ.
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  10. Arbaʻūn Ḥadīthan fī iṣṭināʻ al-maʻrūf.ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Thaʻālibī - 1962 - [Rabat]: al-Mamlakah al-Maghribīyah, Wizārat al-Dawlah al-Mukallafah bi-al-Shuʼūn al-Islāmīyah. Edited by ʻAbd al-ʻAẓīm ibn ʻAbd al-Qawī Mundhirī & Muḥammad ibn Tāwīt Ṭanjī.
    Hadith; Criticism, interpretation, etc.; Islamic ethics.
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  11. (1 other version)Falsafah-ʼi ʻilmī.Saxe Commins & Robert N. Linscott (eds.) - 1961 - Tehran,: Sukhan, bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Frānklīn.
    -- jild-i 2. Hānrī Birgsūn / Sayyid ʻAbd Allāh Anvār ; Zīgmūnd Firūyd / Duktur Maḥmūd Ṣināʻī ; Ālfrid Nūrs̲ Vāythid / Aḥmad Ārām ; Sir Ārtūr Sitānlī Idīngtūn / Muḥammad Ḥusayn Tamaddun ; Sir Jayms Jīnz / Abū Ṭālib Ṣārimī ; Anshtayn / Duktur Jināb.
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    Sadreddîn Konevî'nin felsefesinde Allah-Kâinât ve insan.Nihat Keklik - 1967 - İstanbul: [Edebiyat Fakültesi Matbaası].
  13.  36
    İnas ve Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi'nin İlk Kadın Heykeltraşları.Derya Uzun Aydin - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):1125-1125.
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    Bashar yamtahinūn ṣināʻat al-ālihah.Jūtyār Tamr - 2017 - Dimashq: Tammūz lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Bakara/184. Ayeti̇n meâli̇ üzeri̇nden hüseyi̇n kazim kadri̇’ni̇n nûru’l‐beyân’ina bi̇r bakiş.Osman Kara Kara - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (29).
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  16. jild-i 2. Hānrī Birgsūn / Sayyid ʻAbd Allāh Anvār ; Zīgmūnd Firūyd / Duktur Maḥmūd Ṣināʻī ; Ālfrid Nūrs̲ Vāythid / Aḥmad Ārām ; Sir Ārtūr Sitānlī Idīngtūn / Muḥammad Ḥusayn Tamaddun ; Sir Jayms Jīnz / Abū Ṭālib Ṣārimī ; Anshtayn.Duktur Jināb - 1973 - In Saxe Commins & Robert N. Linscott (eds.), Falsafah-ʼi ʻilmī. Tihrān: Sharikat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābʹhā-yi Jaybī, bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Frānklīn.
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    Filosofia și perspectiva umană: sustenabilitatea gândirii filosofice în societatea post-pandemie: materialele Conferinței Științifice consecrate Zilei Mondiale a Filosofiei: 19 noiembrie 2020, Chișinău.Ana Pascaru (ed.) - 2020 - Chișinău: Institutul de Istorie, Secţia Filosofie.
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    Sih risālah dar ṭabīʻīyāt: dar bayān-i ʻanāṣir-i arbaʻah, dar sharḥ-i kāʼināt javv va raʻd va barq va ṣāʻiqah, dar bayān-i īnkih kull-i mawjūdāt dar yak haftah mawjūd shudah and.Aḥmad Gīlānī - 2013 - Qum: Majmaʻ-i Z̲akhāʼir-i Islāmī. Edited by Muḥammad Karīmī Zanjānīʹaṣl & Āzādah Karbāsiyān.
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  19. Mawsūʻat al-furqān al-falsafī wa-al-uṣūlī fī al-fikr al-qānūnī.Iyād Miṭashshar Ṣayhūd - 2022 - Baghdād: Maktabat al-Qānūn al-Muqāran.
    al-Juzʼ al-awwal. al-Taʼsīs al-Qurʼānī al-muʻāṣir li-ʻilm uṣūl al-fiqh al-muqāran, dirāsah istiqrāʼīyah fī al-manjhaj wa-al-athar al-qānūnī -- al-Juzʼ al-thānī. Handasat al-insān al-qānūnī, dirāsah iṭārīyah fī mutatāliyat al-muthul wa-taṭwīʻ al-insān al-muntaẓim -- al-Juzʼ al-thālith. Tiknūlūjyā al-taʻāẓum al-insānī, ruʼyah fikrīyah iṭārīyah fī al-handasah wa-ṣināʻat al-insān al-qānūnī -- al-Juzʼ al-rābiʻ. al-Lā yaqīn al-ẓarfī, dirāsah fī al-masārāt al-falsafīyah al-ʻilmīyah wa-al-qānūnīyah lil-zamakān -- al-Juzʼ al-khāmis. Lughat ṣināʻat al-naṣṣ al-qānūnī, dirāsah fī al-naẓarīyah wa-al-taṭbīq -- al-Juzʼ al-sādis. Ibtikār al-manhaj al-qānūnī bayna al-usus al-ʻilmīyah wa-al-taṣawwurāt al-naẓarīyah wa-al-ʻilmīyah -- al-Juzʼ (...)
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  20.  5
    Foucault contre lui-même.Leo Bersani - 2014 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Georges Didi-Huberman, Arlette Farge, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie & François Caillat.
    Michel Foucault n'aura cessé, à mesure qu'il élaborait son oeuvre, de repenser sa démarche, ses problèmes, de rompre avec ses propres paradigmes et concepts. Ne peut-on pas voir son oeuvre comme une succession de ruptures et de discontinuités? Impliqué dans des mouvements politiques qu'il a plus tard remis en question, se revendiquant " structuraliste " pour ensuite s'en défendre, moquant parfois ses propres ouvrages, Foucault s'est, à chaque étape de son travail, construit contre lui-même. C'est d'ailleurs ainsi qu'il définit l'attitude (...)
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  21. Rasāʼil al-Fārābī. Fārābī - 2006 - Dimashq: Dār al-Yanābiʻ. Edited by Muwaffaq Fawzī Jabr.
    al-Risālah 1. Risālah fī Ithbāt al-mufāraqāt -- al-risālah 2. Risālah fi Aghrāḍ mā baʻda al-ṭabīʻah -- al-risālah 3. Kitāb Taḥṣīl al-saʻādah -- al-risālah 4. Risālah fī al-Taʻlīqāt -- al-risālah 5. Kitāb al-Tanbīh ʻalá sabīl al-saʻādah -- al-risālah 6. al-Tajrīd ʻalá Risālat al-Daʻāwá al-qalbīyah -- al-risālah 7. Sharḥ Risālat Zaynūn al-Kabīr al-Yūnānī -- al-risālah 8. Kitāb al-Fuṣuṣ -- al-risālah 9. -- Risālah fī Faḍīlat al-ʻulūm wa-al-ṣināʻāt -- al-risālah 10. Rasāʼil fī masāʼil mutafarriqah.
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    “A New Scientific Phenomenology”? Questions about the Evolution of a Phenomenological Endeavor.N. Zaslawski - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):212-213.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A First-Person Analysis Using Third Person-Data as a Generative Method: A Case Study of Surprise in Depression” by Natalie Depraz, Maria Gyemant & Thomas Desmidt. Upshot: Given the claims of Natalie Depraz regarding what she called in 2004 the “practical turn of phenomenology,” I ask the authors how they conceive the research they presented in their 2017 article, particularly regarding transcendental phenomenology.
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    Dini Metinlerle İletişimde Anlama Odakli Bir Yöntem: Soru Sorma ve “Doğru” Sorulara Ulaşma.Betül Zengi̇n - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):39-60.
    One of the primary goals of Religious Education is to make students come together with Qur’an text and religious content seamlessly. In order to reach this goal, religious educators usually support students to have the knowledge of the text and sometimes students only memorize the content. But although “knowing” and “memorizing” stages are important for educational processes, they are not functional enough in the long term. For providing a permanent learning, students should also “understand” the text. Besides, students cannot create (...)
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    İngilizce Öğrencilerinin Arka Koltuk TV Sistemleri ve Altyazılı Filmlere olan Tutumları.Buğra Zengi̇n - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1561-1561.
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  25. Metodika izuchenii︠a︡ materialov XXVII sʺezda KPSS v kurse marksistsko-leninskoĭ filosofii.N. I. Zhukov (ed.) - 1986 - Minsk: Izd-vo "Universitetskoe".
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    Toward a Neurobiologically Plausible Model of Language-Related, Negative Event-Related Potentials.Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Matthias Schlesewsky - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    It's About Time: Understanding Einstein's Relativity.N. David Mermin - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    "--Brian Greene, Columbia University "This book includes material that is intellectually innovative and comes as a surprise even to specialists in the field.
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    Ortaokul Yedinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Çizgi Grafik Okuma Ve Çizme Becerilerinin İncelenmesi.Dilek Sezgi̇n Memnun - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):1153-1153.
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  29. Akhlāq-i Islāmī: silsilah-i darsʹhā-yi dawrān-i jihād.Qurbān ʻAlī ʻIrfānī Yakaʹvalangī - 2004 - [Kabul]: Muʼassasah-i Farhangī, Taḥqīqātī va Ijtimāʻī-i Bāqir al-ʻUlūm.
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    Nongam Kim Chʻang-hyŏp ŭi chʻŏrhak sasang yŏnʼgu.Chʻŏn-sŭng Yi - 2006 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼguk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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    The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & D. S. Potter - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):13-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone PatreD. S. PotterTranslated by Cynthia DamonEditorial Conventions( ) expansion of abbreviation[ ] restoration of letters written but now missing{ } deletion of letters written by mistake[ ] correction of letters considered wrongly inscribed necessary supplements > in translation, material supplied for clarity1 A(nte) d(iem) IIII eid(us) Dec(embres) in Palatio in porticu, quae est ad Apollinis. Scribendo2 adfuerunt M(arcus) Valerius M(arci) f(ilius) Lem(onia tribu) (...)
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  32.  9
    Language Processing as a Precursor to Language Change: Evidence From Icelandic.Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Dietmar Roehm, Robert Mailhammer & Matthias Schlesewsky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  33.  7
    Towards a Neurobiology of Information Structure.Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Petra B. Schumacher - 2016 - In Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter reviews neurophysiological and neuroanatomical investigations of information structural notions, with a view to working towards a neurobiologically grounded perspective. It first considers components of a neurobiologically plausible theory of information structure and outlines candidate mechanisms for higher-order cognitive processing, namely prediction and mental modelling, attention orientation, memory, and inferencing. The chapter then proceeds to neuroscientific investigations of information structure, highlighting differences between sentence- and text-level processing and discussing findings for the information structural notions of givenness, focus, and topic, (...)
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  34.  6
    La salvación de Heidegger: la apertura al diálogo en la posguerra (1945-1960).Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2023 - Ciudad de México: Bonilla Artigas Editores.
    Explores intellectual and philosophical evolution of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, focusing on period after World War II. Analyzes how Heidegger s ideas, particularly his notion of being, influenced and were influenced by postwar context, including confrontation with Nazism and emergence of new philosophical currents. Argues that Heidegger s work offers relevant insights for contemporary philosophical debates and calls for a critical dialogue with his legacy. Discusses Heidegger s philosophy in the context of French and German philosophical schools, highlighting relevance of (...)
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  35.  21
    Compliance to surgical and radiation treatment guidelines in relation to patient outcome in early stage endometrial cancer.Marieke A. L. van Lankveld, Nicole Koot, Petra H. M. Peeters, Jules Schagen van Leeuwen, Ina M. Jürgenliemk‐Schulz & Marion A. Van Eijkeren - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (2):196-201.
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  36. Falsafat al-tarbiyah ʻinda Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʼ.Nādiyah Jamāl al-Dīn - 1983 - al-Qāhirah: Manshūrāt S. Abū Dāwūd, al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Ṣiḥāfah, Ahlan.
  37.  14
    Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica.Luis Vega Reñón & Paula Olmos Gómez (eds.) - 2012 - [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
    Fruto de una convergencia de motivos e intereses procedentes de diversas disciplinas, los estudios sobre la argumentación han adquirido sus propias señas de identidad como conocimiento, análisis y evaluación del discurso argumentativo a través de sus dimensiones o proyecciones lógica, dialéctica, retórica y socio-institucional. La presente obra trata de reunir, precisar y articular las nociones básicas y los conceptos determinantes de los desarrollos que hoy tienen lugar en ese campo. Este Compendio de lógica, argumentación y retórica se ofrece como una (...)
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  38.  16
    A Riddle Written on the Brain.N. Humphrey - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (7-8):278-287.
    The sensation of red light falling on your eyes has something in common with the experience of looking at a cartoon in the New Yorker. The phenomenal quality of the sensation and the funniness of the joke are both properties of your subjective take on an external event and both arise in two steps. With sensations, your brain responds to signals from bodily sense organs with an internalized evaluative response; your mind reads this response and represents what it's like as (...)
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    Analyzing Grade Inflators: Some Metaethical Issues.Ümit D. Yalçın - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):649-668.
    I start with a detailed but partial analysis of a case regarding grade inflation. The case is inspired by the discussion in Crumbley et al. (2010) and its elaboration in Roberts (2016). I supplement the case description by introducing certain facts that are not in the original discussion. The subsequent analysis is based on this enriched case description. I then raise a number of objections against my analysis. An important metaethical, methodological question emerges while responding to these objections. To what (...)
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    The effect of atmospheric corrosion on metal fatigue.N. J. Wadsworth & J. Hutchings - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (34):1154-1166.
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  41. Knowledge restructuring in the life sciences: A longitudinal study of conceptual change in biology.N. Renee Pearsall, Jo El J. Skipper & Joel J. Mintzes - 1997 - Science Education 81 (2):193-215.
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    Comments on Michael Polanyi, Scientist and Philosopher.N. E. Wetherick, Brian G. Gowenlock & John Puddefoot - 2007 - Tradition and Discovery 34 (3):31-43.
    This article discusses the 2005 OUP biography of Michael Polanyi by William T. Scott and Martin X. Moleski S.J., Michael Polanyi, Scientist and Philosopher . The discussants are N. E. Wetherick, Brian G Gowenlock, and John Puddefoot; Martin X. Moleski, S. J. briefly responds, providing a previously unpulished letter from Polanyi to Reverend Dr. Knox, a Presbyterian mininster.
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    Jesus' self-understanding.N. T. Wright - 2002 - In Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall & Gerald O'Collins (eds.), The Incarnation. Oxford Up. pp. 47--61.
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  44. La metafísica productiva : maniobra, técnica y filosofía.Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2012 - In Andrea Cortés-Boussac (ed.), Cine: más allá de la técnica: téchne contemporánea como arte y producción en las nuevas tecnologías. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Universidad Sergio Arboleda.
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  45. The modern models of regional Confucianism: A comparative research into the interaction of three intellectual groups (Translated introduction to the book).N. Q. Yang - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (3):5-95.
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  46. Tonghak ŭi sahoe sasang kwa K'ŭrop'ŭt'ŭk'in anak'ijŭm ŭi chip'yŏng yunghap.Ŏm Yŏn-sŏk - 2019 - In Chŏng-gil Han (ed.), Sahoe sasang kwa tongsŏ chŏppyŏn. Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Tong kwa Sŏ.
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  47. On Popper's Implicit Hegelianism.N. Yulina - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (2/4):652-661.
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    P. Donati e I. Colozzi (a cura di), Il privato sociale che emerge: realtà e dilemmi.N. Zamaro - 2005 - Polis 19 (3):470-472.
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  49. Uchenie Kundakundy v filosofsko-religioznoĭ tradit︠s︡ii dzhaĭnizma.N. A. Zheleznova - 2005 - Moskva: Izdatelʹskai︠a︡ firma "Vostochnai︠a︡ literatura" RAN.
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  50. T︠S︡ennostnye aspekty razvitii︠a︡ nauki.N. S. Zlobin & V. Zh Kelle (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka.
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